GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) : This is the number you most commonly see printed as part of a product’s bar code. The number identifies any item traded in the global supply chain that can be priced, ordered or invoiced. http://www.gs1.org/barcodes/technical/idkeys/gtin
Check Digit Calculator : http://www.gs1.org/barcodes/support/check_digit_calculator
GTIN Rules : http://www.gs1.org/1/gtinrules/
GS1 Prefixes (3 first digits) do not provide identification of country of origin for a given product. They simply provide number capacity to different countries for assignment from that location to companies who apply. Those companies in turn may manufacture products anywhere in the world.:http://www.gs1.org/barcodes/support/prefix_list
GLN (Global Location Number): A Global Location Number provides a unique and unambiguous identification of physical locations and parties used in the supply chain or participating in a business process. http://www.gs1.org/barcodes/technical/idkeys/gln
GCP (Global Company Prefix): When a company joins GS1 it is normally given a number called a GCP (6 to 10 first digits of the GTIN). A GCP is a unique number that can then be used as a base by the company to generate unique identification numbers for products (GTIN), shipments (SSCC), locations (GLN) and more. http://www.gs1.org/barcodes/technical/company_prefix
GCP length : http://www.gs1.org/gcp_length
GPC (Global Product Classification) is a system that gives both sides of trading partner relationship a common language for grouping products in the same way. It ensures that products are classified correctly and uniformly, everywhere in the world. http://www.gs1.org/gdsn/gpc/what